20Disposable underpads, 23x242 Depends style disposable undies1 Peri Bottle1 Mesh Brief1 Quik heel lancet1 Herbal Cord Care2 Newborn hats, stockinette6 Alcohol prep pads4 Lubricating jelly, 5g1 Hydrogen peroxide1 Bulb syringe, 2oz.3 Gauze, strl. 4x4 2pks1 Cord Clamp2 Gloves, strl. vinyl singles med.2 Gloves, strl. vinyl pair, med.
Womanwise Deluxe Birth Kit20Disposable underpads, 23x242 Depends style disposable undies1 Peri Bottle2 Mesh Brief3 Instant cold peri compresses1 Plastic Sitz Bath3 Syringe with needle, 1cc x 27g1 Quik heel lancet1 Herbal Cord Care1 Peri Ease Organic Sitz Herbs2 Newborn hats, stockinette1 Adtemp I digital thermometer6 Alcohol prep pads4 Lubricating jelly, 5g1 Hydrogen peroxide1 Bulb syringe, 2oz.1 Gauze, strl. 4x4 2pks1 Cord Clamp4 Gloves, strl. vinyl singles med.4 Gloves, strl. vinyl pair, med.
Shipping Included with either kit